Unlocking Revenue Growth via Cloud Marketplaces Drata’s Blueprint with Tackle

Core to the success of Drata’s go-to-market strategy is its partnership with Amazon Web Services - an initiative which scaling has been accelerated via Drata’s partnership with Tackle.


Why Drata Invested in a
Cloud GTM Strategy

An effective Cloud GTM strategy allows software companies to leverage Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) as a key route to market. This strategy involves developing sales initiatives to co-sell with cloud providers and managing software solutions on Cloud Marketplaces to reach, engage, and convert target buyers effectively.

Drata implemented a Cloud GTM strategy to boost revenue, provide customers a seamless buying process, and enhance sales growth by co-selling with Cloud Providers like AWS, while leveraging Tackle to streamline and automate the process.


Why Chose Tackle

Drata partnered with Tackle for its Cloud GTM motion to simplify listing management, streamline co-selling with CSPs, and accelerate time-to-market.

LISTING MANAGEMENT Tackle handles all aspects of Drata’s Marketplace listing, ensuring it’s up-to-date and optimized. With Tackle’s support, Drata launched its listing in just three weeks. This allows the Drata team to focus on strategic growth without the burden of listing maintenance.
OPERATIONAL SUPPORT Drata needed to scale quickly without adding additional resources to the team and reduce operational overhead. Tackle's support team is key to this efficiency, helping Drata resolve Marketplace issues within 24 hours. Tackle helps Drata operate efficiently by shortening the time to create and issue Marketplace private offers.
To run more effective outreach campaigns with its sellers and improve co-sell success by referring better quality deals to AWS, Drata turned to Tackle’s Prospect data which allows Drata to identify the right accounts, map accounts into its ICP, deliver highly targeted messaging, and leverage its relationship with AWS to drive momentum and close deals. Additionally, Drata uses Tackle Co-sell to streamline communication with AWS sellers, achieving an 80% reduction in time spent on manual bulk uploads to ACE.

How Drata’s Trust Platform Accelerates Cloud GTM for other ISV’s

One of the most critical steps for ISVs on a Cloud GTM journey is establishing market credibility through security and compliance. This foundation builds trust with customers and partners, ensuring that the solutions offered are reliable and meet industry standards.

Drata’s GRC platform automates the complex manual processes involved in achieving and maintaining compliance. Through continuous control monitoring and automatic evidence collection, Drata significantly reduces manual workloads, minimizes human error, and provides real-time insights into your compliance status. By automating compliance, Drata allows you to focus on growth while building trust with your partners and customers.

By automating the compliance journey and providing expert support, Drata enables companies to confidently navigate the complexities of the Cloud GTM landscape while maintaining security best practices.

A strong compliance posture. Drata’s Trust Center Pro feature enables customers to seamlessly share essential security posture information with their prospects, customers, and third parties. This feature continuously updates real-time monitoring of controls and provides easy access to certifications, audit reports, and security policies, which builds trust, accelerates sales processes, and streamlines vendor security reviews.

Automated Compliance Processes. Drata automates compliance with SOC 2 and ISO 27001 frameworks, reducing manual workload and allowing ISVs to focus on core business activities.

Enhanced Market Credibility. By showcasing a strong compliance posture, ISVs can attract upmarket customers, accelerate international expansion, and shorten sales cycles.

Integration Capabilities. Drata ensures security and compliance data is easily accessible and shareable, facilitating faster vendor security reviews and accelerating sales processes.


By leveraging its own platform for ensuring robust security and compliance, along with Tackle for driving Cloud GTM, Drata achieved remarkable results. Using Drata’s own Trust Center Pro offering, Drata is able to continuously publicly demonstrate a strong compliance posture that building customer trust and enhancing its credibility as a leader in cloud security.

In addition, Drata leveraged Tackle to facilitate Drata's presence on AWS Marketplace, allowing Drata to meet customers where they're already buying and streamline the purchasing process. In 2023, Drata successfully transacted over 1,000 Marketplace Private Offers and became one of AWS' top three co-sell partners.The sales team gained more than 400 net new opportunities sourced by AWS sellers, highlighting the effectiveness of combining Drata's compliance solutions with Tackle's Cloud GTM capabilities to drive revenue growth.


Collaborative Advantage

The partnership between Drata and Tackle offers compelling benefits to ISVs by enabling them to meet the security measures required to join the cloud ecosystem, get listed in the Marketplace, and start co-selling faster.

Drata’s Trust Center Pro ensures a robust compliance stance with real-time monitoring and easy access to certifications, audit reports, and security policies. Tackle manages all aspects of Marketplace listings, provides operational support that scales quickly, and improves customer outreach campaigns using Prospect data.

Together, Drata and Tackle help ISVs capture more market share and accelerate sales cycles.